Our Family Wellness Program offers children and their families the support needed to heal from their current and past traumas through a variety of services.
Trauma can be emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, household mental illness, parental separation/divorce, incarceration of a household member, and emotional or physical neglect. Trauma has no boundaries with regard to age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
Our Family Wellness team consists of master’s level therapists and clinical social workers who provide evidence-based, trauma-informed Behavioral Therapy, Case Management resources and High Fidelity Wraparound services. Comprehensive Community Support Services are also available to children and families through Medicaid insurance. We work with each family to determine the best treatment options drawing upon a range of treatment modalities based on individual circumstances.
We know that childhood trauma can have long term impacts on behavioral health and chronic health conditions, but we also know the consequences of childhood trauma can be prevented. All Faiths Children’s Advocacy Center offers a path towards healing and recovery from childhood trauma.

“I was a hopeless parent. For a long time I felt like I wasn’t a good parent, but I knew I was trying everything I could. I read books, I played with her, we did flashcards, all of the things the books said to do to be a good parent. I spent time with her, we talked, but she was still so angry. Then we found All Faiths Children’s Advocacy Center and after a few months of therapy, she started to change, it was like a weight was lifted from her. I went from being a hopeless parent to being so proud of her as she made progress in therapy. Therapy helped our family in so many ways. She was happy and smiling again – I got my daughter back. And I also realized that I was a good parent, I just didn’t know the right tools to help her.”