All Faiths Children's Advocacy Center - Healing Kids & Families in Crisis


A Children’s Advocacy Center is a child-friendly facility in which law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advocacy professionals work together to investigate abuse, help children heal from abuse, and hold offenders accountable.

As a Children’s Advocacy Center(CAC) accredited by the National Children’s Alliance we provide a child-friendly facility where law enforcement, child protection, family advocacy, therapy, and training offer children and their caregivers safety and a road to healing and recovery.

The All Faiths Children’s Advocacy Center Forensic Interview Team partners with law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office, and New Mexico Children Youth & Families to conduct forensic interviews of children who have witnessed a violent crime or when allegations of abuse have been made. We also conduct forensic interviews with adults who have a developmental disability and disclose physical or sexual abuse. The goal of the forensic interview is to gather pertinent information in a neutral, developmentally appropriate, and legally defensible manner.  

Our professionally trained forensic interviewers ensure the safety of children, youth, and developmentally disabled adults during the interview process.  The process allows our partners to observe the interview as it is being conducted and provides a team approach to recording the child’s statement.  The purpose is to collect information that will either support or refute allegations of abuse, and to assist investigators in their continued investigation of the allegations.  Equally important is the video recording of the interview so that a child does not have to retell their story multiple times and re-traumatize them.

A Children’s Advocacy Center is a child-friendly facility in which law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advocacy professionals work together to investigate abuse, help children heal from abuse, and hold offenders accountable.

As a Children’s Advocacy Center(CAC) accredited by the National Children’s Alliance we provide a child-friendly facility where law enforcement, child protection, family advocacy, therapy, and training offer children and their caregivers safety and a road to healing and recovery.

The All Faiths Children’s Advocacy Center Forensic Interview Team partners with law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office, and New Mexico Children Youth & Families to conduct forensic interviews of children who have witnessed a violent crime or when allegations of abuse have been made. We also conduct forensic interviews with adults who have a developmental disability and disclose physical or sexual abuse. The goal of the forensic interview is to gather pertinent information in a neutral, developmentally appropriate, and legally defensible manner.  

Our professionally trained forensic interviewers ensure the safety of children, youth, and developmentally disabled adults during the interview process.  The process allows our partners to observe the interview as it is being conducted and provides a team approach to recording the child’s statement.  The purpose is to collect information that will either support or refute allegations of abuse, and to assist investigators in their continued investigation of the allegations.  Equally important is the video recording of the interview so that a child does not have to retell their story multiple times and re-traumatize them.